Friday, August 18, 2023

USA's Champakam Dorairajan Case


Cisco Sundar Iyer's case.

Saw this just now.

Seems exceedingly fishy. This seems thoroughly doctored by Nagarathar-Vellalar (Dravidian) Movement. The summit of malice and hate of all humankind.

The fact that the other candidate that Sundar hired was dalit, is the pointer. So, somebody, some lawyer/activist group very very meticulously and systematically planned it to be so. A surgical strike. Tamils are mighty good at this.

Sundar fool, like all Brahmin fools in Tamil country, is looking in the wrong place. With tamils, the enemy is always, always, always inside, next to you. Saying and doing the same things as you. Having the same views. But...

Can smoke out the criminals only if more people see and know what I do.

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