Brahmins in Tamilnadu have absolutely, literally NO CLUE about the 100 years of a most extraordinary hate which was directed against them...Nattukottai Chettiar, Saiva Pillai and Mudaliars, supposedly the topmost and most devoted, ritualistic tamil castes built this hate, and have kept it alive. In 1916, in 2023.
There is no 'church' here. That was a small period in 19th century. All the brahmin hate of TN is from Chettiar-Mudaliar-Pillai and the cause is caste jealousy and hate. The larger sociopolitical movement, the 'Dravidian' Movement was a confluence of many other caste groups. It is the ruling political ideology of tamil country for a century. The identity. The actual power shifted hands and is dynamic. But the identity and the narrative was and is always from the vellalas.
I didn't know before I came into this in 2017. Most Brahmins don't know it even now. They are absolutely clueless about Tamil society. Apparently, 'vellala' is the caste name. The umbrella term. Pillai and Mudaliar are supposed to be caste titles. Like Singh, Rao, Thakur, Naidu. Nagarathar is the caste name.
So, Nagarathar-Vellalar is the caste name in pristine tamil. But, Sengundhar/Kaikolar are not vellalas. They use Mudaliar title.
Chettiar-Mudaliar-Pillai is the more identifiable grouping, and it covers all the key players.
But Nagarathar-Vellalar is the pristine caste name, and the source. As is the case with everything in tamil lands, the real stuff is hidden. Vellala casteism (and that's a very very real, and concrete thing) is the source of the 'Dravidian' Movement, and one hundred years of Brahmin hate in Tamilnadu. A hate unlike any other in the~6000 year old history of human civilization. I am not at all exaggerating. Hopefully, someday, when I show you what it was like, you'd agree with me. The most hateful, malicious, venomous people on earth. Not just Nagarathar-Vellalar. The entire tamil society and race is like that. Remnants of the rakshasas and asuras and vanaras which Indian epics talk about. Brahmins are not tamils. Technically too, and also, hankfully, tamils have formulated tamil identity as one that is not defined by language. Those who speak marathi, gujrati, telugus are said to belong to that group. But that is not so with Brahmins who speak tamil. The tamil identity extends beyond the spoken language. Today, they are trying to change it. The criminals are undoing their games and creating distortions to erase records of their crimes.
The most hinduest tamils, chettiar-mudaliar-pillai are the creators of 'Dravidian' Movement and a hundred years of Brahmin hate in Tamilnadu. 99.99% Brahmins have no clue about this. Sad. I was really surprised to see a man called Kalyan on Twitter say "Of course, I knew all this". Because, I never ever heard this from anyone. I told all the stuff to one of my relatives. He was really surprised, and said "Chettiar, Mudaliar? They are deep hindus". And he didn't want to hear more of it because it was too toxic. He didn't want to talk about caste. It is taboo. They don't know and then choose not to talk. They don't know at all! They keep their eyes shut!
Its the greatest tragedy that my people have not developed the strength of mind to see the ugly face of the most hateful society and race on earth. It is unique in the whole world. Maybe any other group would have fared just the same. But I don't see any effort from our side at all. Worst...when I share my observations with them, they refuse to look at it.
Nattukottai Chettiar and Vellalas (Pillai, Mudaliar) created the Dravidian Movement. Pretty soon, their position was challenged by lower shudras. The lower shudras, especially Nadars, did huge service to Dravidar Kazhagam, the ideological source of the 'Dravidian' Movement.
An organization such as the 'Dravidar Kazhagam' can exist nowhere on earth. A very methodic and structured organization that has the sole aim of spreading hate. Again, please do not get irritated by these words. These may sound like exaggerations and I totally get it. But if you see what I see, you'd agree with me.
Nadars, Vanniyars and Konars, the primary lower shudra servants of the Chettiar-Mudaliar-Pillai (Dravidian) Movement, challenged the mudaliar/naidu hegemony on the political front, but gave whole hearted support to the vellalas in the ideological camp. It is complicated. I'll explain this in detail in another post. The lower shudras didn't want to remove the dominant groups. They just wanted to reach parity with them. They didn't seek to overthrow them.
The 'Dravidian' narrative was set by the most elite of tamil lands. So, the lower shudras willingly espoused these ideals and became its propaganda channels because, for them, it was a cultural lift. It was a level up from their existing state. Remember, sanskritisation of the masses was very very recent in tamil lands. Caldwell has mentioned that Nadars were doing demon worship. Even opposing the organized, 'vedic' religion was a level up for the lower shudras. Because, they were outside the circle. You get inside the circle even by opposing. When you espouse, you get deeper inside the circle. That's what the lower shudras are doing today. Ditching their old clothes and wearing a different, orange garb.
I am not foolish enough to oppose sanskritisation or emergence of new middle classes. That is a natural phenomenon that happens everywhere. My focus is on that thing which has not, and cannot happen in any other society on earth. The 100 years of Brahmin hate.
My problem is - Tamil society will slowly slowly slowly slowly dump and bury this mountain. The wave of RW today is the first sign of this. The same lower shudras who bore the Chettiar-Mudaliar-Pillai (Dravidian) palanquin are today in BJP/RSS, opposing that very movement. Not just that...the tamil mind itself is different from all other societies. It is a unique race. It is not a complicated criminal mind. It is a primal, semi-savage, perverse and wretched mind. Not just the lower shudras...The very vellalas (esp saiva vellala) who are the progenitors of the 'Dravidian' narrative, and the sole source of ALL the Brahmin hate of TN, for DK, DMK, Periyar, Karunanidhi, are leading the narrative at BJP/RSS. India has no clue about this. 'India', which was created by the British, doesn't care, too.
Its like the criminal committing the crime first, then putting police uniform, and investigating his own crime, and then wearing the judge's gown, and pronouncing judgement for the crimes. It is the same person. He knows nobody is watching. He knows nobody knows enough about him and his society, to point out this fraud. Who has to point out? Who knows? Only me.
My greatest regret is - today, they are playing different games, but Brahmins have 0 clue even about the phenomenon of the hate. Today, tamils, vellalas are covering it up, distorting it.
Look at Sree Iyer even today. The only thing he knows is to defend hinduism/traditions/dharma. So, his enemy cannot be anything other than anti-hindu. Look at this moron. This is him today.
Imagine Brahmins after 50, 100, 300 years. They'd have no clue. Hell, even the phenomenon of the 100 years of continuous Brahmin hate in TN would have been erased by tamil society by then.
What pains me most is - my people have no clue about it even now. The most extraordinary phenomenon on earth is going to get swallowed up silently, slowly.
Going to try my best to show people what I know. If I had gotten from my caste people the same reaction, the same deep shock that I received, and receive, I'd have had no regrets. That's all I ask of you. See what I see. You can not see it and not be shocked. Because this hate is unique in the world.
Why do I feel like this? Because I am a Brahmin from Tamilnadu. That's the identity on which the hate is heaped. You and me need to have absolutely nothing else in common, to feel like this. If your identity is the same as mine, you should feel like me too. You should have gotten the deep shock. Why is that not happening?
Because, so much depends on many of us seeing what I see. The malice and hate which we seek to expose is most deepest. It is unlike anything else in the whole world. Unlike anything in history of human civilization. How could you be blind to this? I don't understand.
I get nothing out of this. But, just thinking about this pains my heart deeply.
What's the incentive for doing this? Knowing the hate of tamil society? Knowing the source of the most unique hate on earth?
Not just that. There's a lot more. We are in an existential crisis. The door has already been closed. Now, whoever got in while it was open...its all up to you. And remember, there are impersonators and imposters. Always.
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