There are 2 important things here.
First thing, he is baiting BJP/Brahmins by saying "lets see if BJP has the courage to place a Brahmin as head of TN BJP". Neither Brahmins, nor BJP should fall for it. Just a hypothetical situation, but a Brahmin as president of TN BJP is problematic in my view, considering today's scene.
Today, there is some non-negligible support for BJP in TN. Most of the supporters are from the groups that had been active supporters of DMK, from, like, beginning.
DMK is so much more than just a political party in ways India does not understand. It is so with everything tamil. Its hard to explain to outsiders. Today, those groups are jumping over to BJP and attacking DMK and Dravidian legacies (ever so selectively, superficially). They are the ones who are neither upper castes in TN, nor lower castes. They are non-Brahmin, non-dalit, but non-influential castes. Dravidian movement was run by the uppermost elite non-Brahmins, for a century. The middle/low ones who are fighting it from BJP today know well that DMK was their home.
By seemingly rallying for Hindutva, Hinduism, brahmins and attacking Dravidian movement for being "anti-Hindu" (which is wrong, but which is what India thinks), they are burying the real truths. They are the only ones who know and can speak the truths of Brahmin hatred in TN, making it an imaginary hindu vs. anti-hindu fight, they are actually trying to bury truths. Because they too were involved. Its like an unpleasant part of their history they don't want to face. They want to kill it, deny it.
Second, more important thing, is to see where this is coming from, not just the things he is saying! Tamil Brahmins have to know and see how Nattukottai Chettiars + Mudaliar + Pillai kept brahmin hatred alive in tamil minds for one hundred years. Non-stop. This is a unique phenomenon. This cannot happen anywhere else in the planet. The persistence of hatred, and the intensity, in tamil public sphere. A random sampling of tamils will not exhibit any significant Brahmin hatred, but...You have to see how Nagarathars + vellalars charged the crowd with their venom of hatred. Tamils are fully emotional creatures, and can be charged, as a crowd. This is a tribal thing. A "tamil public thought" which was filled with the most vitriolic hatred. Not like an explosion...but smoldering silently, for a century. Smoldering hatred, burning hot for one hundred years. How it affected and affects tamils "as a crowd". Nagarathar-Vellalar was present in the tamil mind, in the crowd. They charge the crowd, not individuals.
These millions of talks in public, these stage talks by tens of organizations for decade after decade...these keep alive a certain opinion-world in tamil public thought. A random tamil on the street might not hold significant Brahmin hatred, but Nagarathar-Vellalar venom and hatred lives in the minds of tamil crowds, and it is very very real. Tamil Brahmins have to see that. See the embers. See not only what he is saying, but where it is coming from. This is the group that fed its toxic hatred to tamils for one hundred years, generation after generation. This is the origin of Brahmin hatred in TN, not DMK or DK or Periyar.
Nattukottai Nagarathar + Mudaliar + Pillai