Sunday, November 29, 2020

Tamil Brahmins Alert!

 This post is exclusively for Tamil Brahmins. One appalling observation about TN today. There are a lot of people, especially youngsters, who are very apprehensive about Dravidian movement, Periyar, Dravidian propaganda, etc. And who are attached towards Hinduism. Tamils were a semi-barbaric bunch of people until recently and the savage has the greatest need for culture. This infatuation for "Hinduism" was there even amongst the lords who built Dravidam and Brahmin hatred. That is understandable. What is appalling is...

There are a bunch of observations about 20th century TN that I have. I know them for a fact. I have searched and read, and seen videos. I have read between lines for long. I know it. I can see it. I, as a Tamil Brahmin. Other non-Brahmins need not be so interested, and will not be affected by it to the same degree to which I have been.

Now, in a normal scenario, if there is a highly vicious, heinous crime being committed, and one sees it, what is the further course of action? One cannot stop it at the source. The source is the power center of TN for centuries. Even Union of India, America, China can only bomb it. Nobody but tamil Brahmins really have the need to see and understand the game. Many people are trying to approach logically...

When one sees a crime, what is the further course of action? Complain to police? Tell a friend? Gather a crowd, tell them? Tell a powerful contact/goon who will counter attack? 

In all these cases, the prerequisite is ...? The other party has to "see" the crime. One century of Brahmin hatred in TN was one hundred percent non-violent. (Yet, the manner in which the hatred was radiated, it made violence look acceptable). That was the nature of comprehensive, all-encompassing institutionalized Brahmin hatred of tamils. Making the other person, non-tamil, or non-Brahmin "see" the crime itself is the problem. 

Second is..the narrative in TN today. There are the people who are the subscribers of dravidian thought-view, and they are vile creatures. Then, there are those people who veer towards Hinduism and attack Dravidian/periyarist propaganda for being anti-hindu, and a general fraud, and its the second gang I'm most scared of.

Because, like I said, the savage has the greatest need for culture, and tamils have come into contact with Indian mainstream like never before. They want to link with it. But they are casually passing through Brahmin hatred.

The way Brahmin hatred has been normalized in Tamil Nadu will make any sane human get shocked to the bones. Because it originates from the uppermost tamil castes- Chettiar, Mudaliar, Pillai, Balija Naidu. These are also the most hindu-ized, ritualized, brahminized tamil castes, and that is no dichotomy. Brahmin hatred was their handiwork. Dravidian politics was a legacy that they created, on orders of the British. 

Now, if a lay tamil is to question brahmin hatred in TN, he has to encounter those tamils who are closest to brahmins in caste hierarchy, and know about brahminical stuff way more than him. He will be shamed. "Do you know more about Brahmins than me?" The very fact the uppermost castes of Tamil Nadu have been at it for a century is the factor which normalizes hatred. 

Say there are 100 people. Tamil Brahmins count as 2. The circle from which Brahmin hatred radiates is 7 people. And these 7 people were the most powerful people, who had all the power, money, land, industry for centuries. Dravidian politics and Brahmin hatred were both from them, but they are deeply devout. They are most hinduest tamils. But the fire of hatred burns strong in their heart even today, and the amount of venom and malice Chettiar+mudaliar+pillai have spewed will deeply shock the most vilest villain. They make hitler and pol pot seem like cry babies. Tamil Nadu is a totally different place, and India has no idea what has been going on here. 

Now, who has to question Brahmin hatred, out of the remaining 91 people? One, it was fully non-violent. It is hatred without a reason. It might be hard to understand, but it is very very real. What propelled Dravidian ship for a century was the need of Vanniyar + Nadar + Konar for a political vehicle, and also...the hatred of Chettiar+Mudaliar+Pillai. Hatred without reason. It goes on and on and on. There is no point answering the accusations, allegations because the purpose is to vent out hatred. 

Most of the accusations are highly subjective opinion/narrative type, and not objective facts. A fact can be proved or disproved. An opinion, and interpretation, a narrative cannot be "answered". It goes into the minds of the listeners, and gives them certain notions about certain people/things. Its a world-view. Minus this world-view, Dravidian movement/DMK/DK is just like any other political party anywhere in the world.

Who will question this hatred? Out of 100, 2 are the victims, 7 are the perpetrators, 20 are dalits. Out of approx 70 remaining ppl, 50 are not aware of it. A huge chuck of the population everywhere don't care much about politics. They just know their circle, and they decide whom to vote for, often on loose grounds. Who will be the crowd which will see what Nagarathar-Vellalar have been doing to Brahmins, and who will get shocked? If that X is an upper-ish caste person, he will himself have a grudge on the brahmins that all non-brahmins generally have. In TN, the higher the person is, the greater the hatred. If it's a lower caste person, it is likely that that person doesn't even fully appreciate the propaganda. This is a world-view. Nobody other than Brahmins have the need to understand and see the truths. Others dont even take in the worldview fully, let alone see the factual/logical lapses.

When Dravidian movement and Periyar are blamed for being "anti-hindu", what happens is...that becomes the only thing that was wrong with it. Because Brahmin hatred has been normal-ised. Nobody talks about it. And the format in which Chettiar-Mudaliar-Pillai have been doing brahmin hatred in TN is such cannot be answered, it cannot be stopped, it cannot be disproved, it cannot be countered, it cannot be opposed. Its a podcast which goes straight into tamil public psyche. And it becomes the crowd's voice, and thought, too. In TN, you can either drink it, or ignore it. You cannot fight it. You cannot question it. There's no point. That's why karu palaniappan, kryes, PTR, etc block so many people. They don't care about whether they are legit or not. Their goal is to infect as many people as possible. People who will drink in their worldview and act as channels for their propaganda. Even Periyar used to say "I want only fools".

Nattukottai Nagarathar + Mudaliar + Pillai + Balija Naidu are together the tamil elites. Their influence is centuries old. They know tamils and can influence them like nobody else. Thats why I said India, China, America, Russia can bomb TN, but they cannot influence tamil crowd like nagarathar-vellalar did. That is the factor which makes them elites. The ability to feed their narrative to the crowd. They know this crowd like nobody else.

When Dravidian propaganda is blamed for being anti-hindu, that fills the public narrative. That is my issue. There are very few people talking meaningful politics. Few ever know real facts, and fewer still can put it up all together. All developed minds have a world-view. Its not a bad word. The problem is nagarathar-vellalar worldview which is distorted, and filled with opinions designed to feed hatred and venom.

Very few people talk serious politics, and know the continuity.

When you call them "anti-hindu", which they are not, you are filling the debate with meaningless stuff. Thats what those 7 people want, too!! Out of the remaining 91 people, anywhere between 30-50 are vanniyar, nadar, konar, etc. The staple crowd, the foot soldiers of the Dravidian movement. The elites had power, these groups provided numbers. Dravidam itself was a pact between these two. 

So, for Nagarathar-vellalar (dravidian) propaganda, Brahmin hatred, Brahmin/Non-Brahmin was the real agenda. Hindu/Anti-hindu, anti-caste were the euphemisms, the facades. India will be shocked to know that they made anti-caste as a euphemism for anti-Brahmin. By inflicting pain to Brahmins, you are attacking caste system itself.

This was dravidian movement. This was basically the uppermost tamil castes telling tamils "bash the brahmins, and I will not be casteist towards you." quid pro quo. But see, casteism was reduced, voila! That's the net result. Bash the Brahmins, and casteism in society was reduced. Because the topmost tamils adjusted their own domino of casteism, in order to make the claims of their politics true. Dravidian politics was theirs.

What is happening today, is...Hindu vs anti-Hindu from outside is attacking Brahmin vs. non-Brahmin of TN. Hindu/anti-hindu, RW/LW, Hindutva/Liberal polarisation is completely different from the monstrosity that has been going on in TN. 

Hindutva/Liberal is a horizontal line on vertical classes of people. Brahmin/Non-Brahmin (in narrative) was a vertical division itself! There are just so many games they played. All with similar template:- first defy/decry something, spew venom on the Brahmins, then step back, say "no no, we are not evil. we are not against anything".

"we are not against brahmins, we are against Brahminism"

"we are not against Hinduism, we are against caste system"

"we are not against rituals/customs, we are against blinding superstitions"

"We didn't just really do what we just did : spew hatred on Brahmins. That's not the intention. Neither are we against Hinduism"

Like slapping a guy, all the while saying "No, I'm not slapping you. I have no problem with you". Then, when you walk away, a guy asks you "did you slap him?", and you say, "see, I told him, and I tell you, I don't have a problem with him. I'm not against anybody. I'm just against oppression".

The Indian/BJP narrative is Hindu, anti-hindu. The 100 year old narrative in TN was Brahmin/Non-Brahmin. They are equating Non-Brahmin, anti-Brahmin with anti-Hindu, which is absurd. Even in India, with 80% hindus, we can see that Hindutva/Liberal discourse is more nuanced. Its closer to a proper left-right debate. A horizontal division. Equating 'anti-Brahmin' with anti-hindu is an act of subversion, (when done by non-Brahmins, in TN)But very few know and talk politics. If the ones who talk, talk irrelevant stuff, deliberately or unknowingly, it drowns the voice of truth.

Now, if DMK is defeated, dravidian movement is vanquished, what will that be? A victory of Hinduism over missionary/anti-hindu forces? Victory of good hindus against bad hindus? If you think so, you have absolutely no idea what went on in TN, and you drown the voice of truth. After it goes down, nobody will bother to re-examine it. So, if it is dismissed for the wrong reason, that means the truth is lost forever. One hundred yrs of institutionalized brahmin hatred, limitless malice of Nattukottai Nagarathar, Sengundhar, Tuluva Vellala Mudaliar, Saiva Pillai, Balija Naidus, will be lost forever.

The polarisation of India is hindu/anti-hindu, Hindutva/Secular.

The polarisation in TN, for a century, has been Brahmin/Non-Brahmin. Don't mix the two. Enter TN framework, which is unlikely. Or, advertise ur framework. Dont see past from within your framework. You dont know what tamils are, what Tamil Brahmins have had to endure.

Dont take up all the space of the debate. Don't dismiss dravidian movement for the wrong reasons. Truth will be gone forever. Most of the people in TN BJP today were the groups that grew in the shade of the Nagarathar-Vellalar (Dravidian) politics, and acted as channels and supporters for their hate campaign. They are deliberately applying Hindutva/Secular to TN's Brahmin/Non-Brahmin narrative. Because they want to bury the truth. They were in it.

Pain in the heart 💓

Just thinking about the fact that -  Brahmins in Tamilnadu have absolutely, literally NO CLUE about the 100 years of a most extraordinary ha...

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